f magnet
EMF Ratings for Cars
"Americans aren't aware of the dangers of electromagnetic radiation. We're endangering ourselves from TVs, cellular phones, neon lights, electric light bulbs...It didn't have to be this way."
Tom and Ray Magliozzi, NPR Car talk 9/13/14

"The electric motors in EVs tendto generate electromagnetic interference with AM radio. Rapidly fluctuating voltage results in the high-level, low-frequency electromagnetic interference that reaches into the radio. Electromagnetic frequencies generated by EV motors happen to be comparable in wavelength to AM radio signals. Porsche, for one, has advised that this interference may result in static and crackling sounds. Other automakers point out such possible audio annoyances as distortion, buzzing and signal fading."
Consumer Guide, on the powerful pulses of magnetic fields produced by electric vehicles.

Pregnant women exposed to 2.5 milli gauss for just 14 minutes per day have a 271% increased risk of misscarriages.
Dr. De-Kun Li

We're constantly being bombarded by electromagnetic fields (EMF). Driving is no exception. Not only are we radiated by cell towers strewn along highways, and exposed to high magnetic fields along the roads by an overtaxed power grid, but our very beloved cars are one of the more problematic sources of EMF.

The low frequency magnetic field impinged on the driver (passenger) of various makes and models is provided *.

The intensity of the magnetic field provides an indication of how offensive a car may be, but is not the sole measurement one should take. RF can be measured with an AM or shorwave radio. Microwaves with the Trifield II meter in RF mode. Magnetic fields are measured with a gauss meter. One can obtain the Trifield TF2 at various on-line stores such as LessEMF. The Trifield is under the category of "Combination Meters" because it measures magnetic, electric and Radio Frequency (RF) fields.

"Trifield Meter TF2: Frequency Weighted"

Link to EMF Safety Products

The first priority is to get a car with a low magnetic field. However, the measured magnetic field doesn't tell the whole story and should not be the sole criteria used in investigating a car.

For instance the magnetic field in the cabin of the Silverado is probably lowest of any modern vehicle. That is a good start, but the vehicle still causes tinnitus, and other ill symptoms. AM radio interference indicates pelting of EMF from the ignition system. Pulsed noise from the ignition is not detected by either gauss or RF meters. There is also a computer just under the steering column (directly in front of the driver) which was also detected by an AM radio. Additionally, the main fuse panel is on the driver's side, the battery is on the driver's side, the digital instrument cluster produces RF, and there's a very high magnetic field throughout the entire engine compartment.

Therefore, in the case of the Silverado the relatively low magnetic field at the vicinity of the driver can be deceiving. As we have seen with the Low Emission Computer ambient measurements can be negligible yet the computer can still cause devastating symptoms. Even if one doesn't initially feel any symptoms, in time one can become sensitized by the various low intensity frequencies of EMF. It is therefore imperative to drive a vehicle on a long trip before committing to buy it. Though the short ignition wires tame the effects of the ignition, direct ignition is preferred. Conventional AC Delco spark plugs have double the resistance (about 8K Ohm) of the titanium plugs and significantly reduce RF measurements.

One of the lowest rated cars listed is the 2005 Cadillac SRX (6 cylinder). Note: It's only the driver's seat that has the low magnetic field. The Passenger seat and rear of the car have elevated magnetic fields and are not as tolerable. The revamped 2010 SRX model is a magnetic hazard, so the low EMF SRX's are from 2005-2009. A few fundamental aspects of its design are beneficial for the driver, including:

- the battery is on the Passenger side of the car.

- the magnetic field under the hood (engine compartment) is relatively low on the drivers side.

- there are no computers near the driver.

- the direct ignition of the six cylinder engine emits relatively mild EMF, and there are no ignition wires. A setback is the fuse panel under the rear seats, and of course the instrument cluster. Pulling radio fuse shuts off the RF producing DIC and aluminum foil taped over the climate controls effectively reduces a direct hit of RF. Note that there is no detectable RF, AM or shortwave radio, in the drivers seat or the cabin. This contrasts to newer vehicles sodden with electronics such as the BMW GLC300 which radiate RF in both AM and higher frequency shortwave bands throught the cabin. All of the electronics are pulsing at higher frequencies impinging more energy.

Modern vehicles are laden with electronic gadgets, which leads us to consider older vehicles. For instance the 1967 Camaro has a very low magnetic field in the interior. The biggest concern, which should not be taken lightly, is the 8 cylinder ignition which has a distributor behind the engine block, near the center of the firewall. The ignition wires are also very long compared to modern cars which place individual coils packs close to the cylinders, reducing the length of the wires (as with the Silverado).

This particular vehicle has been retrofitted with a modern, electronic, High Energy Ignition (HEI) which has a hotter spark (40,000 volts) than the original points system (18,000 volts) and may explain why this car causes some chest pains. But the original resistive ignition 12 volt power wire is installed and inherent inductance in the long length of the wire minimizes the spark. Re-wiring the ignition power wire directly to the battery (and thus avoiding the circuitous rout to the ignition key) significantly reduces the magnetic field at the floor.

The metal dash must have beneficial shielding attributes. There are no computers aboard, no electronic instruments, no electric fuel pump, no electronic fuel injection, and the interior dash lights are dimmed with a rheostat rather than an electronic switching mechanism. GM really blew it with the 2011 Camaro coming in at a whopping 50 milli gauss (100 for Passenger)! The highest rating of any tested vehicle.

Probably the lowest EMF car one can get is a 1985 or older diesel Mercedes. That is if you and your neighbors can tolerate the exhaust fumes. It probably doesn't have air recirculation which is absolutely essential on today's stinking roads.

Besides the 2011 Camaro and some BMWs, one of the worst cars is a Saab. How ironic it is that the only country in the world that recognizes Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity as a disability would produce such a dreadful vehicle.

For those wondering about hybrids, the numbers are in for a Toyota Highlander hybrid. Radio frequencies emitted from the entire front dash are very strong (measured with an AM radio). The magnetic field (TF2) at the floor is through the roof, and chest level readings are very high. Levels elevate when running on the electric motor. This vehicle also emits pulsed microwaves upon the passengers which may be Blutooth, which can be disabled. If hybrid and electric are the future then ESers are in deep trouble. The only savior is the rear seats have lower levels, so one may resort hiring a driver and sit in the back.

Most alarming is Ford's "Vehicle Hotspot" which blasts the driver with pulsed microwaves. The hotspot can be disabled. Microwaves peak at 6 mW/m2 (0.6 uW/cm2) as measured with the trifield II, and average at about 0.1 - 0.5 mw/m2 standing idle with no connections. The BMW X2 peaks at 4 mW/m2 standing idle, and can also be deactivated via the menus.

Here's the list of low-mid frequency magnetic field ratings of various cars.

Audi -
2011 A4 ** -
Driver: 35.0 milli gauss,
Passenger: 7.0 milli gauss.
Driver Rear: 75.0 milli gauss
Passenger Rear: 4.0 milli gauss
Driver Front Floor: 100.0 milli gauss
Passenger Front Floor: 15.0 milli gauss


2018 BMW GLC300 -
Driver: 2.5 milli gauss,
Passenger: 3.0 milli gauss.
Driver Rear: 0.5 milli gauss
Passenger Rear: 1.4 milli gauss
Driver Front Floor: 15 milli gauss
Passenger Front Floor: 16 milli gauss
Note: RF noise throught the cabin both AM and shortwave radio.

2021 BMW X2 -
Driver: 1.2 milli gauss,
Passenger: 1.3 milli gauss.
Driver Rear: 0.4 milli gauss
Passenger Rear: 2.0 milli gauss
Driver Front Floor: 7.5 milli gauss
Passenger Front Floor: 19.1 milli gauss
Note: Even though the low frequency magnetic field is relatively moderate, the X2 produces strong RF (measured with an AM radio) above head and the headlight switch. These mid-range radio frequencies travel far and can impact the hypersensitive, even if the AM radio is silent at the head. A wireless antenna (internet/wifi hotspot) constantly emits pulsed microwaves peaking at 3.5 mW/m2 with nothing connected. With the hotspot off and streaming music from an iphone the microwaves peak at 6 mW/m2 and average about 2. Electronics never fully shut down in this vehicle, emitting pulsed microwaves when off.

2018 BMW 4 series -
Driver: 1.8 milli gauss,
Passenger: 2.1 milli gauss.
Driver Rear: 3 milli gauss
Passenger Rear: 7 milli gauss
Driver Front Floor: 4.7 milli gauss
Passenger Front Floor: 11 milli gauss

2006 BMW X3 -
Driver: 15.0 milli gauss,
Passenger: 25.0 milli gauss.
Driver Rear: 12.0 milli gauss
Passenger Rear: 25.0 milli gauss

1998 BMW 740iL -
Driver: 2.5 milli gauss,
Passenger: 20.0 milli gauss.
Driver Rear: 2.5 milli gauss
Passenger Rear: 20.0 milli gauss

2006 BMW X3 -
Driver: 15.0 milli gauss,
Passenger: 25.0 milli gauss.
Driver Rear: 12.0 milli gauss
Passenger Rear: 25.0 milli gauss

2009 BMW 328i -
Driver: 5.5 milli gauss,
Passenger: 28.0 milli gauss.
Driver Rear: 8.0 milli gauss
Passenger Rear: 25.0 milli gauss
Driver Front Floor: 35.0 milli gauss
Passenger Front Floor: 95.0 milli gauss

2010 BMW 528xi -
Driver: 5.5 milli gauss,
Passenger: 13.0 milli gauss.
Driver Rear: 15.0 milli gauss
Passenger Rear: 35.0 milli gauss
Driver Front Floor: 95.0 milli gauss
Passenger Front Floor: 50.0 milli gauss

2011 BMW 535i ** -
Driver: 3.5 milli gauss,
Passenger: 7.0 milli gauss.
Driver Rear: 4.0 milli gauss
Passenger Rear: 15.0 milli gauss
Driver Front Floor: 35.0 milli gauss
Passenger Front Floor: 100.0 milli gauss

2011 LaCross -
Driver: 2.0 milli gauss
Driver Front Floor: 12.0 milli gauss.

1998 Buick Le Sabre -
Driver: 0.2 milli gauss
Passenger: 0.4 milli gauss.
Driver Rear: 0.2 milli gauss
Passenger Rear: 0.2 milli gauss


2022 Silverado 2500 HD duramax diesel-
Driver: 1.4 milli gauss
Passenger:1.5 milli gauss.
Driver Rear: 0.2
Passenger Rear: 0.2
Driver Front Floor: 7 milli gauss
Passenger Front Floor: 6 milli gauss

2019 Colorado-
Driver: 0.5 milli gauss
Passenger:0.7 milli gauss.
Driver Rear: 0.1
Passenger Rear: 0.1
Driver Front Floor: 5 milli gauss
Passenger Front Floor: 5 milli gauss
Note: ELF magnetic field is relatively low. Be sure to disable pulsed microwaves emitted by the WiFi hotspot. RF detected by AM radio includes a strong tome by LCD monitor, and deplorable gnition noise in front dash/cabin.

2014 Silverado-(5.3 L)-
Driver: 1.4 milli gauss
Passenger: 1.2 milli gauss.
Driver Rear: 0.3
Passenger Rear: 0.2
Driver Front Floor: 3.2 milli gauss
Passenger Front Floor: 2.2 milli gauss
Note: magnetic field fluctuates, and can be detected at a good distance from the vehicle.

2012 Impala -
Driver: 0.2 (0.4 pulse) milli gauss
Passenger: 0.3 milli gauss.
Driver Rear: 0.2 milli gauss
Passenger Rear: 0.2 milli gauss
Driver Front Floor: 3.0 (5.0 pulse) milli gauss
Passenger Front Floor: 12.0 milli gauss

2011 Camaro (6 Cyl) -
Driver: 50.0 milli gauss
Passenger: 100.0 milli gauss.
Driver Rear: 35.0 milli gauss
Passenger Rear: 35.0 milli gauss
Driver Front Floor: 100.0+ milli gauss
Passenger Front Floor: 100.0+ milli gauss

2011 Malibu -
Driver: 3.5 milli gauss
passenger: 1.5 milli gauss.
Driver Rear: 1.0 milli gauss
Passenger Rear: 3.0 milli gauss
Driver Front Floor: 10.0 milli gauss
Passenger Front Floor: 3.0 milli gauss

2010 Impala -
Driver: 0.2 milli gauss
Passenger: 1.0 milli gauss.
Driver Rear: 0.2 milli gauss
Passenger Rear: 0.2 milli gauss
Driver Front Floor: 2.0 milli gauss
Passenger Front Floor: 35.0 milli gauss

2009 Silverado-(5.3 L)-
Driver: 1.2 milli gauss
Passenger: 1.5 milli gauss.
Driver Rear: x
Passenger Rear: x
Driver Front Floor: 4.0 milli gauss
Passenger Front Floor: 3.5 milli gauss

1967 Camaro-
Driver: 0.1 milli gauss

1974 Camaro -
Driver: 0.2 milli gauss
Passenger: 0.4 milli gauss.

2007 Silverado 1500 Classic (5.3 L) -
Driver: 0.2 milli gauss
Passenger: 0.1 milli gauss.
Driver Rear: 0.1 milli gauss
Passenger Rear: 0.1 milli gauss
Driver Front Floor: 1.5 milli gauss
Passenger Front Floor: 1.5 milli gauss

1957 Bel Air (283)-
Driver: 0.3 milli gauss
Passenger: 0.6 milli gauss.
Driver Rear: 0
Passenger Rear: 0
Driver Front Floor: 10.0 milli gauss
Passenger Front Floor: 7.0 milli gauss

Cadillac -
2012 CTS 3.6L v6 -
Driver: 2.0 milli gauss.
Passenger: 15.0 milli gauss
Driver Rear: 2.0 milli gauss
Passenger Rear: 2.0 milli gauss
Driver Front Floor: 4.0 milli gauss
Passenger Front Floor: 50.0 milli gauss

2012 XTS -
Driver: 4.0 milli gauss.
Passenger: 4.0 milli gauss
Driver Rear: 0.5 milli gauss
Passenger Rear: 1.0 milli gauss
Driver Front Floor: 35.0 milli gauss
Passenger Front Floor: 30.0 milli gauss

1994 Seville -
Driver: 1.5 milli gauss
Passenger: 0.8 milli gauss.
Driver Rear: 2.0 milli gauss
Passenger Rear: 0.8 milli gauss

2006 CTS v6 -
Driver: 0.2 milli gauss.

2005 SRX v6 -
Driver: 0.3 milli gauss.
Passenger: 1.0 milli gauss
Driver Rear: 0.3 milli gauss
Passenger Rear: 1.5 milli gauss
Driver Front Floor: 2.0 milli gauss
Passenger Front Floor: 2.0 milli gauss

2005 SRX v8 -
Driver: 0.3 milli gauss.
Passenger: 1.0 milli gauss
Driver Rear: 0.8 milli gauss
Passenger Rear: 2.5 milli gauss
Driver Front Floor: 2.5 milli gauss
Passenger Front Floor: 2.5 milli gauss

2010 SRX v6 -
Driver: 18.0 mili gauss.
Passenger: 7.0 milli gauss
Driver Rear: 3.5 milli gauss
Passenger Rear: 0.8 milli gauss
Driver Front Floor: 55.0 milli gauss
Passenger Front Floor: 35.0 milli gauss

Chrysler -
2006 PT Cruiser ** -
Driver: 0.6 milli gauss.
Passenger: 0.5 milli gauss
Driver Rear: 0.1 milli gauss
Passenger Rear: 0.2 milli gauss

Dodge -
Dodge Charger 2015 -
Driver: 5
Passenger: 20
Driver Rear: 4
Passenger Rear: 10
Driver Floor: 50
Passenger Floor: 100

Dodge Dakota 2007 -
Driver: 0.8
Passenger: 0.3
Driver Rear: 0
Passenger Rear: 0
Driver Floor: 4
Passenger Floor: 5

2012 Avenger 2.4L -
Driver: 1.7 mili gauss.
Passenger: 0.2 milli gauss
Driver Rear: 2.5 milli gauss
Passenger Rear: 0.2 milli gauss
Driver Front Floor: 10.0 milli gauss
Passenger Front Floor: 15.0 milli gauss

2006 Magnum v6 -
Driver: 7.0 milli gauss.

2020 Ford Transit -
Driver: 0.8 mili gauss.
Passenger: 0.5 milli gauss
Driver Front Floor: 3.3 milli gauss
Passenger Front Floor: 4.5 milli gauss

2019 Ford Mustang -
Driver: 1.0 mili gauss.
Passenger:0.7 milli gauss
Driver Rear: 1.4 milli gauss
Passenger Rear: 0.4 milli gauss
Driver Front Floor: 2.6.0 milli gauss
Passenger Front Floor: 11.0 milli gauss
2.2 mW/m2 peak microwaves with nothing connected. Strong AM radio noise at left dash. the insrtument cluster noise never turns off.

2014 Ford Fusion -
Driver: 2.5 mili gauss.
Passenger: 0.5 milli gauss
Driver Rear: 2.5 milli gauss
Passenger Rear: 0.7 milli gauss
Driver Front Floor: 20.0 milli gauss
Passenger Front Floor: 3.0 milli gauss

2006 F150 -
Driver: 0.4 milli gauss
Passenger: 0.4 milli gauss.

Harley Davidson -
1988 Sportster 883 -
Chest: 20 milli gauss
Groin: 50 milli gauss

Honda -
Honda Ridgeline 2006 -
Driver 1.5
Passenger: 0.4
Driver Rear: 0.6
Passenger Rear: 0.1
Driver Floor: 20
Passenger Floor: 5

2012 Civic EX-L -
Driver: 2.0 milli gauss

2011 Civic -
Driver: 0.6 milli gauss.
Passenger: 0.2 milli gauss
Driver Rear: 0 milli gauss
Passenger Rear: 0 milli gauss
Driver Front Floor: 14.0 milli gauss
Passenger Front Floor: 1.5 milli gauss

2003 CR-V
Driver: 3.5 milli gauss
Passenger: 6.0 milli gauss

Honda Civic 2011 -
Driver: 0.6
Passenger: 0.2
Driver Rear: 0
Passenger Rear: 0
Diver Floor: 14
Passenger Floor 1.5

Hyndai -
Hyndai Tuscon 2012 -
Driver: 2
Passenger: 1.5
Driver Rear: 0.2
Passenger Rear: 0.2
Driver Floor: 50
Passenger Floor: 20

Jeep -

2014 Wrangler -
Driver: 1.2 milli gauss;
Passenger: 0.6 milli gauss
Driver Rear: 0.1 milli gauss
Passenger Rear: 0.1 milli gauss
Driver Floor: 4.5
Passenger Floor: 7.0

Note: There's no obvious way to disable the bursts of pulsed microwaves emitted from the passenger side dash. Bursts are relatively strong, occur on a periodic basis and can be disabled by pulling the radio fuse. Too bad there's an intolerable screech picked up on an AM radio accros the entire front cabin.

2008 Jeep Laredo -
Driver: 0.8 milli gauss;
Passenger: 0.4 milli gauss
Driver Rear: 0.1 milli gauss
Passenger Rear: 0.1 milli gauss
Driver Floor: 4.0
Passenger Floor: 2.0

Note: Excessive EMI from the radio. Pull the radio fuse

2005 Wrangler -
Driver: 1.4 milli gauss
Passenger: 1.2 milli gauss

Lexus -
2019 RX350 -
Driver: 2.5 milli gauss;
Passenger: 1.5 milli gauss
Driver Rear: 1.2 milli gauss
Passenger Rear: 0.3 milli gauss
Diver Floor: 9
Passenger Floor: 10

1993 LS400 -
Driver: 1.0 milli gauss;
Passenger: 2.0 milli gauss

2001 LS430 -
Driver: 1.6 milli gauss;
Passenger: 1.6 milli gauss
Driver Rear: 3.0 milli gauss
Passenger Rear: 1.0 milli gauss

Mazda -
Mazda B4000 2004 -
Driver: 0.3
Passenger: 0.3
Driver Floor: 1.0
Passenger Floor: 2.

Mercedes -
Mercedes Benz C300 2014 -
Driver: 10
Passenger: 8
Driver Rear: 1.0
Passenger Rear: 2.5
Driver Floor: 37
Passenger Floor: 50

Mercedes 1999 SL600 -
Driver: 15.0 milli gauss
Passenger: 50.0 milli gauss
Driver Rear: 30.0 milli gauss
Passenger Rear: 500 milli gauss

2004 C240 -
Driver: 2.5 milli gauss
Passenger: 2.0 milli gauss
Driver Rear: 3.0 milli gauss
Passenger Rear: 0.4 milli gauss

2012 E350 -
Driver: 10 milli gauss,
Passenger: 7.0 milli gauss.
Driver Rear: 2.0 milli gauss
Passenger Rear: 4.0 milli gauss
Driver Front Floor: 15 milli gauss
Passenger Front Floor: 25.0 milli gauss

2010 GLK -
Driver: 2.0 milli gauss,
Passenger: 3.0 milli gauss.
Driver Rear: 0.6 milli gauss
Passenger Rear: 2.8 milli gauss
Driver Front Floor: 25.0 milli gauss
Passenger Front Floor: 35.0 milli gauss

Mercury -
2000 Sable -
Driver: 1.0 milli gauss
Passenger: 1.0 milli gauss
Driver Rear: 0.2 milli gauss
Passenger Rear: 0.9 milli gauss

Nissan -
Nissan Sentra 2015 -
Driver: 10
Passenger: 1.5
Driver Rear: 13
Passenger Rear: 1.5
Driver Floor: 30
Passenger Floor: 2

2013 Altima 2.5 SV -
Driver: 2.0 milli gauss.

2011 Altima -
Driver: 2.0 milli gauss.
Passenger: 2.0 milli gauss
Driver Rear: 2.0 milli gauss
Passenger Rear: 0.2

milli gauss
Driver Front Floor: 30.0 milli gauss
Passenger Front Floor: 4.0 milli gauss

2005 350zx -
Driver: 1.8 milli gauss;
Passenger: 2.5 milli gauss

Oldsmobile -
1984 Delta 88 -
Driver: 0.1 milli gauss

Porche -
2004 Boxter -
Driver: 35.0 milli gauss;
Passenger: 40.0 milli gauss

Porsche Carrera 2012 -
Driver: 50
Passenger: 50
Driver Floor: 100
Passenger Floor: 100

Saab 2005 -
Driver: 3.0 milli gauss
Passenger: 1.5 milli gauss

Toyota -
Highlander - Hybrid 2020 (accelerate with Electric motor)
Driver: 20
Passenger: 5
Driver Rear: 3
Passenger Rear: 2
Driver Floor: 100
Passenger Floor:4

Toyota Tacoma 2018 -
Driver: 10
Passenger: 4
Driver Rear: 1
Passenger Rear: 2
Driver Floor: 100
Passenger Floor: 100

Toyota Rav 4 2018 -
Driver: 1.8
Passenger: 0.4
Driver Rear: 0.2
Passenger Rear: 0.2
Driver Floor: 8
Passenger Floor: 1

Toyota Camry 2017 -
Driver: 8
Passenger: 3
Driver Rear: 4
Passenger Rear: 0.3
Driver Floor: 2
Passenger Floor: 1

2016 Rav4 -
Driver: 1.0 milli gauss

2013 Tacoma -
Driver: 14.0 milli gauss

Toyota 4 Runner 2015 -
Driver: 4
Passenger: 3
Driver Rear: 0.6
Passenger Rear: 0.3
Driver Floor: 40
Passenger Floor: 50

Toyota Camry 2015 -
Driver: 1.8
Passenger: 0.7
Driver Rear: 2.8
Passenger Rear: 0.2
Driver Floor: 12
Passenger Floor: 3.5

2014 Corolla LE Eco -
Driver: 1.0 milli gauss

2014 Camry LE -
Driver: 2.7 milli gauss

2013 Tacoma -
Driver: 14.0 milli gauss

2005 Camry V6 -
Driver: 3.0 milli gauss,
Passenger: 3.0 milli gauss.
Driver Rear: 0.8 milli gauss
Passenger Rear: 0.3 milli gauss
Driver Front Floor: 90.0 milli gauss
Passenger Front Floor: 90.0 milli gauss

2006 Highlander -
Driver: 1.0 milli gauss.

2006 Tundra -
Driver: 7.0 milli gauss
Passenger: 7.0 mili gauss

Subaru -
2014 Outback 2.5i Premium -
Driver: 1.2 milli gauss,

2014 Outback 2.5 Limited -
Driver: 1.4 milli gauss,

2014 Outback 2.5i -
Driver: 1.1 milli gauss,

2014 Impreza 2.0i -
Driver: 8.0 milli gauss,

2014 Forester 2.5i -
Driver: 8.0 milli gauss,

2012 Impreza 4 cyl -
Driver: 6.0 milli gauss,
Passenger: 4.0 milli gauss.
Driver Rear: 0.1 milli gauss
Passenger Rear: 2.3 milli gauss
Driver Front Floor: 37.0 milli gauss
Passenger Front Floor: 30.0 milli gauss

2006 Outback 4 cylinder -
Driver: 3.0 milli gauss.

Volkswagon -
Volkswagon Jetta 2001 -
Driver 0.8
Passenger 0.6
Driver Rear 0
Passenger Rear 0
Driver Floor 10
Passenger Floor 1.5

2014 Passat 1.8 S -
Driver: 1.8 milli gauss,

2013 Paassat TDI SE -
Driver: 6.0 milli gauss,

2013 Passat -
Driver: 2.5 milli gauss,
Passenger: 4.0 milli gauss.
Driver Rear: 0.8 milli gauss
Passenger Rear: 4.0 milli gauss
Driver Front Floor: 25.0 milli gauss
Passenger Front Floor: 25.0 milli gauss

2006 Jetta -
Driver: 3.0 milli gauss

2001 Jetta -
Driver: 0.8 milli gauss,
Passenger: 0.6 milli gauss.
Driver Rear: 0.1 milli gauss
Passenger Rear: 0.1 milli gauss
Driver Front Floor: 10.0 milli gauss
Passenger Front Floor: 1.5 milli gauss

Volvo -
2006 S60 -
Driver: 15.0 milli gauss, Passenger: 3.0 milli gauss.
Driver Rear: 15.0 milli gauss
Passenger Rear: 4.0 milli gauss
Driver Floor 2
Passenger Floor

* Measurements were taken with a TriField meter (Frequency Weighted) at the breast of a 5' 10" individual sitting in the seat with all accessories off (including interior light dimmers). The ambient field is negligible. Floor measurements are taken at the calf.

These are not exact measurements, as there can even be a difference in readings between two Trifields. These readings can be used as a guide on the relative strength of the magnetic field emitted by cars.

Most of the magnetic field is produced by the alternator and ignition. Yet something as simple as a dimmed interior light, or a built-in navigation system can cause an elevated field.

** Field increases with engine RPM. Measured at 2200 RPM

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EMFs and Miscarriages: The Evidence Mounts